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Career Development Sessions

·234 words·2 mins
Huscii Developer Club

Mondays 12:30-1:20 in the Dawg House, first floor of Mattress Factory

Are you prepared for a career after graduation?

Get ready to join the workforce with Huscii! Every monday during Husky Hour we’ll be meeting in the Dawg House to build coding skills, practice interviewing, and work on our resumes. Swing by to grind some leetcode with your classmates, or do a resume review to bump up your chances of landing that internship!

Winter Quarter Agenda

Jan 8: Hangout/Network - get to know your peers and meet new attendees/members. Exchange LinkedIn’s and contact info to expand your network.

Jan 15: No Event - Happy MLK Day!

Jan 22: LeetCode Work - group focused, aimed to help members better explain their thought process

Jan 29: Mock Interviews - behavioral interview prep

Feb 5: LeetCode Work - individual focus meant to help members get the practice they need

Feb 12: Mock Interviews - technical interview prep

Feb 19: LeetCode work - individual focus, gives members a time and a place to grind out LeetCode

Feb 26: Resume and Portfolio Peer Review - members will probably have a lot to add at the end of the quarter so we will check in again

March 4: Finals prep and socialize - approaching the end of the quarter and everyone is stressed so this meeting is to finish up some assignments/projects and to hang out with peers